Fundamentals of Health Promotion for Nurses

Second Edition

Edited by Jane Wills

Short Answer Questions

Chapter 15: Health promotion and people with mental health issues

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1. What is meant by mental health promotion?

These are actions that attempt to increase the personal, familial, organizational and societal protective factors in a person's life that can help to enhance well-being and reduce the risk factors that can lead to the development of a mental disorder.

2. What does SMI stand for?

Severe Mental Illness.

3. Is the physical health of mental health patients a cause for concern?

People with a mental disorder are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease and several other conditions and health behaviours such as smoking and obesity that may contribute to ill health.

4. Give four reasons why people with a mental disorder may experience poor physical health.

  • Medication may cause tiredness.
  • Lack of awareness of physical health conditions due to cognitive impairment.
  • Difficulties communicating physical health complaints.
  • Poor quality health care. Despite codes of professional conduct, health care practitioners may have discriminatory attitudes and stigmatize the mentally ill.

5. Is empowerment a key value in mental health promotion?

Yes. The health of people with a severe mental illness (SMI) is greatly improved when their personal power is advanced.

6. Name three actions that can help to reduce the exclusion and stigma experienced by people with a SMI.

    Your answer might include:
  • Social inclusion into mainstream society so the person feels a valued part of society.
  • A good standard of accommodation and finance that facilitates a good standard of living.
  • Employment or other such activities that gives a sense of value and enables the person to realize their potential.
  • Infrastructures which provide opportunities for lifelong learning that reflects advances in education and life skills.
  • Cultural inclusion that respects the person's self-identity and relationships in context to larger communities.

7. Name a barrier that could prevent someone with a learning disability from losing weight. What would you do to address this?

    Your answer might include:
  • Recognizing and acting on symptoms.
  • Learning techniques that can reduce stress.
  • Using medication correctly.
  • Getting the most out of health services, by using them as effectively as possible.
  • Managing the distress and depression that can come with a chronic illness.
  • Taking adequate physical exercise, managing relationships with professionals and family.
  • Maintaining a healthy diet.
  • Using community resources.

8. The government mental health strategy is entitled "No health without mental health". What is meant by this?

It implies the necessity for mainstreaming mental health: that mental health services have parity with physical health services and that good mental health and resilience are fundamental to physical health, relationships and fulfilling life potential.

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