Fundamentals of Health Promotion for Nurses

Second Edition

Edited by Jane Wills

Short Answer Questions

Chapter 16: Health Promotion and Older Adults

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1. Explain why health promotion is important when nursing older adults.

The numbers of older people are increasing and there are many preventative interventions and treatments to help older people enjoy an active and happy life in later years.

2. Define personalization when working with older adults.

Older people need to be recognized as individuals and be central to the decision-making on their needs. They need to be provided with information in an accessible form to enable them to make informed decisions.

3. Provide a definition of active ageing.

Active ageing allows people to realize their potential for physical, social, and mental well-being throughout the life course and to participate in society, while providing them with adequate protection, security and care when they need it.

4. Outline why health screening is important for older people

Health screening involves tests to identify individuals who may be at increased risk of a disease or health condition before it is noticeable or has caused long-term complications. Examples may include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, bladder or bowel disease and dementia. Early detection allows older people to receive the correct information and advice to make health choices and receive appropriate treatment. Referral can be made to services and regular reviews instigated.

5. Name four potentially modifiable risk factors in later life.

    Your answer might include:
  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • High blood glucose
  • Physical inactivity
  • High cholesterol
  • Low consumption of fruit/vegetables

6. Name some of the benefits of volunteering to reduce loneliness and isolation.

  • Meeting people and making friends
  • A role to life and being needed and respected.
  • Increased confidence.
  • Reduces stress and increased life satisfaction.
  • A positive transition from work to retirement.

7. What factors should be considered when producing health information for older adults?

It is important to identify the target audience and how and where the information will be circulated. Nurses need to be aware of the risk groups and consider the languages spoken, whether user-friendly terms, layout, size of the type used, visual images and the best method to get the message across are used.

8. Describe what might be included in a programme for carers of older adults with dementia.

Caring for carers is an important role in health promotion. This may include advice and guidance on managing daily living, psychological and behavioural difficulties, getting financial help, long-term care and managing stress. It can also provide a forum to help the carer feel less alone in the situation and gain peer support.

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